Thursday, December 23, 2021

 Day 24:  Luke Chapter 24!

Chapter 24 brings us to the end of Luke’s Gospel – if you’ve been listening every day, it’s Christmas Eve, and you’ve heard the entire Gospel of Luke each day.  I hope it’s made your understanding about Jesus a little clearer and more full!  In our reading today Jesus has several post-resurrection appearances to his disciples, and as the chapter ends, he ascends into heaven, and the disciples went back to Jerusalem with “great joy” and were continually in the temple worshipping and blessing God.  And so should we!  Here’s our reading:

And here's one of my favorites - O Holy Night with Josh Groban. Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

 Day 23 - Luke Chapter 23!

In Chapter 23 Jesus is put on trial, and even though Pilate tries to assert Jesus’ innocence, the crowd (the people) now turn against him, and Pilate relents and gives Jesus over to be crucified.  On the cross Jesus has three “words” – about forgiveness, about the promise of heaven, and about committing his spirit to God – prayerful words from a compassionate Jesus.  It’s a dark day.  But a new day is coming!  Listen in here:

And enjoy Carrie Underwood and Michael W. Smith for "All Is Well."

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

 Day 22 - Luke Chapter 22!

In Chapter 22 we find Jesus at the Last Supper on Maundy Thursday to celebrate this important meal, in which he “reconfigures” the Passover Meal into Holy Communion.  And right afterwards, Satan entered into Judas to betray him – though Jesus communed him, all the while knowing that Judas would betray him.  It’s a tragic moment, though it tells of the depth of the love of Jesus for all people, even those who would turn against him.  Listen in:

And enjoy this from Michael W Smith - Christmastime!

Monday, December 20, 2021

 Day 21 - Luke Chapter 21!

Today's chapter is short, but it is a time when Jesus stresses again the importance of discipleship.  The time is drawing near, and it's probably Tuesday of Holy Week - tomorrow is chapter 22 when Jesus celebrates the Passover (Maundy Thursday) with his disciples.  Here's the video:

And here's Carrie Underwood with "Mary Did You Know?"

Sunday, December 19, 2021

 Day 20 - Luke Chapter 20!   

Again, as Jesus draws near to being betrayed by Judas (in chapter 22) he gets more clear about the importance of discipleship.  The time is drawing near and there is no time to waste on frivolous things.  Again, the focus on discipleship in the Gospel of Luke comes into an even clearer focus!  Listen in:

And here's a great rendition of We Three Kings by the Piano Guys.  I hope you like it!

Saturday, December 18, 2021

 Day 19 - Luke Chapter 19!

Our chapter today has the last words of Jesus before he enters Jerusalem on Palm Sunday for the final week of his life.  Time is getting short, and discipleship has become even more important!  A tax collector climbs a sycamore tree to see him, Jesus tells a challenging parable, and then he enters Jerusalem and turns the tables over in the Temple.  It's a challenging and important chapter!

And here's The Piano Guys with "I Saw Three Ships."  Enjoy the music and also enjoy lights that beautifully go on and off according to the piano notes!

Friday, December 17, 2021

 Day 18 - Luke Chapter 18!

Today's reading is a little more relaxing than yesterday's, with some much needed words and stories about prayer, humility, and gratitude.  Jesus repeats his intention to go to Jerusalem and suffer and die, but his 12 disciples still don't understand him!  Listen in here:

And here's a wonderful cello playing of Carol of the Bells by the Piano Guys.  Enjoy!

Thursday, December 16, 2021

 Day 17 - Luke Chapter 17!

We are nearing Jerusalem, and the time becomes important!  Jesus teaches his disciples more about the Kingdom of God, heals 10 lepers, and tells about the ending of time, called "Luke's Little Apocalypse."  There are some difficult words of Jesus, and the chapter ends on a little of a sour note, but take heart - chapter 18 begins with words about the importance of prayer!

And here's John Legend and Carrie Underwood singing Hallelujah.  Enjoy the beautiful song!


Wednesday, December 15, 2021

 Day 16 - Luke Chapter 16!    

What's interesting about Luke is that Jesus talks more about money and possessions in Luke than he does in any of the other Gospels!  That's because discipleship, and the way we live out our commitment to Jesus is so important.  Luke 16 has parables of the management of wealth that are challenging, but they help us to focus on what's most important in life.  Listen in!

And here's a newish flash mob from Germany from 2018!  I love those flash mobs!  Enjoy!

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

 Day 15 - Luke Chapter 15!

Today's reading is from the "Lost Chapter" of Luke - the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son.  But really, it's the story of the lost elder brother, who wouldn't go in and rejoice with the party for the Prodigal Son.  Jesus told these parables because the Scribes and Pharisees didn't like it that Jesus hung out with such riff raff.  But it for them that he actually came to earth!  Listen in: 


And here's a wonderful One Voice Choir singing "What Child is This?"  Enjoy!

Monday, December 13, 2021

 Day 14 - Luke Chapter 14!

Today's reading reminds us of the many banquet scenes in the Gospel of Luke that Jesus employs as a teaching mechanism to challenge the societal norms of the time.  We will continue to see these scenes as we go through the remaining chapters of Luke.  And sorry for the video cutting out at the end of the prayer - apparently the battery ran out!  So here's the video:

And here's a great song by Pentatonix - My Heart with You from "Christmas Under the Stars."  Enjoy the harmony!

Sunday, December 12, 2021

 Day 13 - Luke Chapter 13!

Luke 13 has several "Parables of the Kingdom" that Jesus wants to tell on his way to Jerusalem.  Again, the time is getting short and it's time to tell of the Kingdom!  Listen in:

And here's a great song - How Many Kings.  Enjoy!

Saturday, December 11, 2021

 Day 12 - Luke Chapter 12!

As we continue we get more teaching from Jesus, including some very familiar sayings.  People are really crowing around Jesus, and the time is getting short as he heads toward Jerusalem.  Listen in:

And here's a wonderful song entitled "When Love Was Born."

Friday, December 10, 2021

 Day 11 - Luke Chapter 11!

In our chapter today we have some very wonderful verses, plus more healings, plus more conflict!  Jesus is headed toward the cross, and wants to let his disciples know what is so important about following him.  Here's the video:

Here's a great living room song - Make Room by Casting Crowns.  Enjoy!

Thursday, December 9, 2021

 Day 10 - Luke Chapter 10!

We continue on, with some very familiar passages from Luke, but we begin to see today and tomorrow that the conflict with the religious leaders escalate.  I hope you're enjoying listening in, as it's so important to know the whole story of Jesus before Christmas!  Here's Chapter 10!

And here's a Christmas Hallelujah that you can sing along with!  Enjoy!

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

 Day 9 - Luke Chapter 9!

Today's chapter represents a turning point - a pivot - in the ministry of Jesus.  So far he's been teaching and healing (lots of healing in Luke) and in Luke 9:51 there's a pivot where he sets his face to go to Jerusalem.  Now he begins his relentless journey toward Jerusalem and the cross.  Listen in as we continue through this amazing Gospel!

Here's a great song by Chris Tomlin - His Name is Wonderful.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

 Day 8 - Luke Chapter 8!

Our chapter today brings us again with some healings and teachings, and casting demons into swine who run over cliffs!  Interesting!  And the "Women of Means" in Luke 8:1-3.  Fascinating.

Here's the video:

And here's the Living Stones Quartet singing "O Little Town of Bethlehem."  Such pure and wonderful voices!

Monday, December 6, 2021

 Day 7 - Luke Chapter 7!

We continue with Jesus healing, teaching, leading, challenging and loving those around him!  He's starting to cause quite a stir, and the "religious" authorities are beginning to question some of his methodology.  Listen in as we focus on our next chapter!

And here's a great song by Meredith Andrews - He Has Come For Us.  Enjoy!

Sunday, December 5, 2021

 Day 6 - Luke Chapter 6!

Today we are looking at Luke Chapter 6, which has some more teaching and healing from Jesus, and the Sermon on the Plain - interesting and somewhat different (and shorter) from Matthew's Sermon on the Mount.  Enjoy your listening!

And here's a great song by Casting Crowns - Make Room.  Enjoy!

Saturday, December 4, 2021

 Day 5 - Luke Chapter 5   

Here is the reading of Luke Chapter 5 - you begin to get the feel for how Luke tells his story of Jesus.  I love the several times when he says, 'Once, when Jesus was..." and just tells a story.  He does that several times in this chapter and the next ones.  Here's the video, so listen in!

And here's Josh Groban with What Child is This?  Enjoy!

Friday, December 3, 2021

 Day 4 - Luke Chapter 4!

Today we are on Luke 4, which tells of Jesus being tempted by the devil in the wilderness.  As you listen, pay special attention to the "filled with the Spirit" references that Luke makes, which is a particular emphasis of his.  You'll see that throughout Luke's Gospel.  Here's the reading:

And here's a wonderful song by Casting Crowns entitled "Somewhere in your Silent Night."  Enjoy!

Thursday, December 2, 2021

 Day 3 - Luke Chapter 3!

Thanks for listening in!  Today we listen to Luke 3, which is begins with John the Baptist, and ends with Luke's genealogy about Jesus' lineage, which is fascinating!  Enjoy listening!

And enjoy this from Amy Grant - Breath of Heaven!  One of my favorites!

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

 December 2 - Luke Chapter 2!

We now turn to Luke 2, the story of the birth of Jesus!  It's very familiar at this time of year, but listen in for the fulness of the story and look for things you might have not heard before!  Here's the reading:

And here's a wonderful rendition of "Mary Did You Know?"  Enjoy!

 Day 24:  Luke Chapter 24! Chapter 24 brings us to the end of Luke’s Gospel – if you’ve been listening every day, it’s Christmas Eve, and yo...